Saturday, April 3, 2010

Travels Around Roma Part XVII: I Musei Vaticani Finisci

Now we end our Vatican Museum travels, with the best for last.  As I kept going through the Museum I saw more frescoes like this.  When it comes to Italian frescoes, every inch of every wall is always covered.  Nothing is left white ever.  So to think how much time and effort was spent painting this all by hand, especially on the angles, is pretty cool.

This is another fresco, but the picture is rotated so the frescoes make sense visually.  The roof is on the left. 

And here is another picture of some judgement or something.  I don't exactly know what it is but I'm sure its significant. 

And now on to the most famous part of the Museum, the Sistene Chapel itself.  They actually don't allow people to take pictures there, but everybody does.  One guard even put his hand in front of my lens and then told me "no pictures."  That coupled with my camera faltering meant I only got a few pictures, and half of those were blurry.  But I still got some good pictures.

Here is a hall leading to the Sistine Chapel.  Believe it or not the art is actually getting finer as we go along.

Here is the ceiling of the Sistene Chapel.  Notice the topmost frame.  All of these are scenes from the Bible, with Creation being the first one.

Here is a closeup of the famous frame of Adam being given life.  But how did Michaelangelo get my features so perfectly in his fresco.  We will never know...

I have to admit this was the only thing I knew about the Sistine Chapel was the Creation fresco.  I was really surprised when I saw frescoes of Moses.  That's right! The life of Moses is a series of paintings inside the Sistine Chapel. I tried really hard to get all of these pictures, but this is the only good one I could get.

The rest of the pictures are, in order: the Garden of Eden in some huge painting, some gold goblet or big cup, some painting with gods and goddesses, a carpet depicting the Last Supper, and two sarcophagi from ancient Rome. Well, thats all for this museum.  Ciao e a presto!! (bye and see you later)...

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