Saturday, February 13, 2010

My Spanish Vacation Part IV: Barcelona Otra Vez

Well this is a the continuing story of my Barcelona trip. I stayed in Barcelona for 5 days, so I got to know the city pretty well and I still remember where things are because I walked a lot of it. I got this tourist map from my hostel and I made them circle the stuff I should go see, so with my trusty map (which was practically torn apart by the end of the week) I walked to all the cool sites to see in Barcelona. Barcelona is a tourist city because a lot of people speak English, but I still managed to speak some Spanish, even with a lisp like they do.

Now we continue in the church.  I walk to the altar but I look underground and I see an underground room where they probably do stuff, but what they do I don't know.  

Now we and up at a park in Barcelona on the east side of the city.  In the background you can see a statue and a big red thing. But what is that red thing? Have we seen something like that in Rome?

Why just like Paris Barcelona copied Rome with an triumphal arch, or as its known The Arch de Triomf. I liked this one because of the unique color and prime location.  Although not as good as the ancient Roman ones in the Roman Forum this is still a winner in my book. 

 This is part of the eastern Barcelona where the major park is.  So after I naturally went to the park, where I saw some beautiful sights and bought a toy puppet that you put over your arm and squeeze it for the tongue to come out for 1 Euro.  Here is the main fountain of the park. 

Here is a more vertical view to capture the sky better. 
And I zoomed in on the golden horses on top because those were pretty cool. 

The creatures spitting out the water of the fountain are a good resting point for many birds.  

Here is the magnified view of this creature (I forget the specific name)...

This Triton statue is a million times better than the one we have at UCSD.  The perfect shadow is an added bonus.  

I went to a side balcony and the view from up there is well worth it.

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